Monday, December 13, 2010

Gingerbread cake

225g plain flour
2 tea ground ginger
1 tea cinnamon
1/4 nutmeg
pinch of salt
50g  pitted dates chopped
50g crystallized ginger chopped
125g treacle
50g butter
1 egg
75g dark brown sugar
4 tbl mik
1/2 tea bicarb


heat the oven to 180.

Sift the flour, ginger cinnamon, nutmeg and salt and stir in the chopped dates and ginger.

Melt the treacle and butter in a small pan.

Beat the egg and beat in the sugar.  Add the two mixutures alternalely to the dry ingredients beating all the time.  Stir the bicarb into the milk and stir into the mixture.

Pout the mixture into a 20cm square baking tin lined with baking paper.  Level the top  and bake for 45 minutes.

Stand the tin on a wire rack to coool.  Remove the cake from the in strip off the baking and w3rap the cake in foil.  Store in a tin and it will keep fresh for up to 8 weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow 8 weeks...what a great recipe.
I have a ton of treacle and golden syrup I need to use up.
Thanks for sharing, me darlin'